16 July, 2008

Childhood drawings

Fun post! These are my drawings from early childhood!

And for the finale, another landscape. Not entirely a childhood drawing. I think this might have been from high school. I still think it's pretty good.


Amy Rouse said...

My favorite part is how these are still better than I can do. The жар-птица is ace.


p.s. i love saturn.

Ledanator said...

How old were you?

Also, there are so many! So much childhood art!

Maria said...

Oh, I was in elementary school.

Anonymous said...

Wow you drew such NORMAL things as a child ha ha. I like the animals c:

Anonymous said...

The brown spotted dog almost reminds me of Hand Banana.

I should do a then and now perspective at some point...

Christopher P. Versackas said...

as your roomate, i demand you dress like your fashion drawings starting the second our new household is established.

Brian Duffy said...

I love this. Hoping for a part II!



NMN said...

So talented, even from a young age! I like the wolf.